Essential Nutrients For A Healthy Body
Banish Cellulite for Good - A Nutritional Approach

Are you constantly plagued by the spread of cellulite on your legs and abdomen area? Desperately seeking an effective removal solution for cellulites? Search no more, because we have the answer you been looking for!

What is cellulite?

Cellulite or gynoid lipodystrophy, (GLD) is a herniation or an abnormal protrusion of fat cells within the fibers of connective tissue underneath the epidermis that appears as dimples on the surface of the skin. Usually, cellulite forms on legs, abdomen, hips area, and the buttocks. The phenomenon mostly occurs in women but some men can develop cellulite as well.

In order to master reversing the ill effects of cellulite, you'll need to understand what cause them to develop in the first place. Since, cellulite is a hernia of subcutaneous fat cells that means the phenomenon is a chronic degenerative disease formation in the connective tissue matrix. All chronic diseases are the consequences of nutritional deficiencies and food toxins in the bloodstream. In essence, cellulite formation is caused by diets missing essential skin and tissue supporting nutrients, with the addition of long-term food toxin consumption. The inadequate levels of nutrients in the diet are causing subcutaneous fat cells to fail to fully develop in connective tissue. The side-effect is the depressed dimples that form on the surface of the skin. Fat cells require specific nutrients to support healthy maturation growth and if these resources are missing, there is relapse in tissue development.

Also, the noticeable superficial side-effects of cellulite on the surface of the epidermis may be a sign that there are more severe health problems lurking beneath the skin, such as the risk of developing heart disease and dementia. Since all tissue in the body is part of the internal connective matrix system, the formation of cellulite would indicate that there is erosion occurring inside that could be affecting vital organs as well. By the time we discover skin disorder issues, they signify that a chronic disease have already formed internally. Since, chronic diseases are formed from malnutrition and food toxins, cellulite is not a genetic hereditary disease but mainly is a dietary lifestyle problem. Also, topical treatments, such as lotions are completely ineffective for treating cellulite because they do not get to the root cause of the issue. This goes for exercises as well. Exercising is great when it is supported with nutrition but alone will not reverse cellulite.

Essential Nutritional Supplements

The answer to reversing cellulite is to get nutriated and improving dietary health. Our bodies require 90 essential nutrients daily to reduce the risk of forming deficiency diseases and to maintain supreme health. Supplementing with these 90 essential nutrients each day will help repair impairments caused by chronic diseases, including cellulite. Youthful healthy skin can be regenerated again with commitment to health.

Improve Diet

Reframing from cellulite causing foods is also necessary in order to reverse and to prevent the skin disorder from spreading. There are plenty toxic food types to avoid eating but at the top of the list are fried foods. They should be rejected because they are mostly responsible for developing free-radicals in the body. Fried food free-radicals are harmful chemical reactionary compounds formed in extreme heated vegetable oils which become rancid. These rancid oils are very toxic and are commonly used to fry food. Regularly, consuming fried foods is destructive to health. They damage connective tissue by triggering excessive micro-inflammation due to free-radicals eroding cellular matrix. The chronic inflammation reactions and free-radical tissue erosion brutally impair healthy cell growth, which are responsible for forming cellulite and rapid aging. In other words, fried foods rot tissue cells! That's why it’s imperative to eliminate fried foods from the diet if the goal is to improve health because they have no nutritional benefits for the body.

Benefits of Supplementing with Nutrients

All of the 90 essential nutrients are important for improving health. Though, the star nutrients for supporting connective tissue growth are Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Silica.

Vitamin C is known for boosting our immune system which helps promotes cellular growth. Also, it is the biosynthesis of collagen which builds connective tissue and reduces the risk of thinning skin. In the liver, Vitamin C is utilizes to produce cholesterol which supports cell structure and produce steroid hormones. Additionally, Vitamin C is an antioxidant which protects the body from harmful free-radicals which are responsible for damaging connective tissue.

Vitamin A is known for supporting eye health but few people know that it's responsible for regulating cell growth which includes fat cells needed for connective tissues and skin health.

Essential Fatty Acids, (EFA’s) omega-3 and omega-6 are important unsaturated healthy fats for the critical development of cells, tissue reproduction and all vital organs. They are essential because our bodies cannot make them and we must be diligent to add them into our diets otherwise we will suffer from EFA deficiency diseases.

Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) is responsible for regulating or stabilizing micro-inflammation in cells. ALA helps cell repairs possible by controlling the amount of inflammation necessary in the body.

Omega-6 fatty acids help regenerate cellular growth by activating micro-inflammation aided by Linoleic Acid (LA) an omega-6 fatty acid. Without the aid of this important omega-6 fatty acid, cellular generation through micro-inflammation would be difficult to produce. Linoleic Acid is also responsible for repairing connective tissue injuries in the body.

Silica as an elemental mineral is important for aiding healthy hair and skin growth.

In conclusion, cellulite is an abnormal protrusion of subcutaneous fat cells within the connective tissue underneath the epidermis that appears as dimples. These protrusions or herniation are caused by fat cells failing to grow healthy. The failure to grow healthy fat cells can be traced back to malnutrition and poor diets. Cellulite is also a sign that there may be more severe health problems pending. Fried foods are the leading cause of connective tissue damage in the body because they are cooked in heated rancid oils which produce the toxic free-radical compound harmful to health. The best way to reverse cellulite formation is to supplement with the 90 essential nutrients and to improve one’s diet. Now that the mystery for cellulite formation has been revealed, it's time to take action and get back that healthy youthful skin again!



Modern foods today, including many organic produce lack sufficient nutrients in them to sustain premium health and to reduce the threat of chronic degenerative diseases. The only way to get maximum essential nutrients into our bodies now is by supplementing.

Start improving your health with 90 Essential Nutrients today. Click here for more details.






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