We all know that drinking water is important for hydration health and to sustain life. The need for drinking water is obvious since we cannot go more than 3 to 5 days without suffering from some levels of dehydration illness side-effects. But, did you know that drinking more water can also help support weight loss? That’s right you heard it!
Before we get into the benefits of drinking more water for weight loss, let’s highlight the importance of water. Water has four phases which is, liquid, solid, gas, and the fourth most people are unaware of is structured water which has the consistency of gelatin. This gelatin structured water can be thought as liquid crystals. Most of the water, about 70% in the body is structured water, this is how the body is kept hydrated. After drinking water in its liquid form, it is absorbed into our systems and converted by processes which involve polysaccharides into its gelatin-like form. If water wasn’t structured and left as a liquid, it would slosh around in our bodies and tear through tissue causing us to burst like liquid filled balloons! In its gelatin form, water supports the body’s overall structure while keeping it fluid. Hydration helps the circulatory system operate effortlessly which promotes healthy nutrient delivery into vital organs and throughout the body. Water also dilutes the threat of toxins in the internal system this is the detoxing effect. Headaches and joint stiffness can be related to poor hydration in the body.
How Drinking More Water Can Help Support Weight Loss
The task is easy. Nothing complicated. If you want to lose some undesirable weight, simply remove all your high sugar beverages, which means all of them from your diet and replace them with water as your main go to drink for every meal and every occasion that you feel thirsty. There are many benefits for making drinking water your primary beverage of choice which includes, limiting excessive sugar intake, helping to reducing the risk of developing type-2 diabetes and of course maintaining healthy hydration. Without the extra sugar beverage intake, you will naturally start to drop the extra weight. Give it a try and watch the pounds shed off!
Modern foods today, including many organic produce lack sufficient nutrients in them to sustain premium health and to reduce the threat of chronic degenerative diseases. The only way to get maximum essential nutrients into our bodies now is by supplementing.
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