As mentioned in our previous article, Eliminate Insomnia Part 1 - The Cortisol Effect there are many circumstances that can lead up to acquiring insomnia sleep disorder. These circumstances include, eating before bed time, unhealthy diets, poor health, drug use, alcoholism, smoking, exercise, inconsistent sleep times, working graveyard shifts and stressful lifestyles.
We also concluded that the common cause for insomnia in America can lead back to the Standard American Diet which consists mostly of highly processed refined carbohydrate foods. These high carb sugar foods are responsible for long-term elevated blood glucose which causes duress in the body. In addition to releasing cortisol to digest food, the body utilizes the stress hormone to manage the toxic effects of high blood sugar. Excessive sugar in the body takes a long time to process out of the system and is easily understandable why it can disrupt healthy sleep patterns.
However, we briefly mentioned individuals who didn't eat a high sugar diet before bedtime or didn't practice behavior patterns that influenced insomnia could be victims of artificial electromagnetic field interference. In this article, we will be discussing more on how concentrated levels of artificial EMF pollution from wireless network cell site towers can be contributing to some who suffer from insomnia.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
Electromagnetic field or EMF is a physical field produced by electrical objects. Any appliance that runs on electricity and cables that track electrical current produces electromagnetic fields. Just like a magnetic field, EMF is invisible to the human eye but the effects can be seen by placing an electromagnet on top of iron filings or powder. The iron particles will line themselves in the form of the electromagnetic field surrounding the electrical object.
If you addressed many of the possible cases for insomnia and still find it difficult to get proper sleep time, than you may be suffering sleep loss due to artificial EMF.
Natural Electromagnetic fields vs. Artificial EMF
We all have a biological clock called Circadian rhythm which regulates our day and night cycle with serotonin, (daytime awake hormone) and melatonin, (night-time sleep hormone). Even though our circadian rhythm is endogenous, (regulated by our internal biology) it is also influenced by the outside environment, (entrainment oscillation). Sunlight is the main controlling force of our circadian rhythm. With sunlight our pineal gland produces serotonin, to keep us awake during the daytime and some of it turns into melatonin to help us sleep at night. However, if there are high levels of artificial EMF in the sleeping place the pineal gland may misinterpret or sense these additional levels of artificial electromagnetic fields as sunlight and decrease melatonin production, further complicating sleep.
The natural environment produces its own electromagnetic fields, which our circadian rhythm is supposed to oscillate with the natural frequencies. This is what's referred to as "being in balance with nature." Since we have increased our usage of electrical mobile devices, that natural balance with nature’s magnetic fields have been seriously compromised with cell sites. We are constantly being exposed to wireless cell towers artificial electromagnetic fields that disturbs our circadian rhythm. Yes we are capable of adapting to EMF pollution but at what cost? If mobile wireless device usage keeps increasing then more cell towers will soon go up and that means more people will suffer from EMF radiation illnesses such as increased emotional and physical distresses. As mentioned when the body is under duress cortisol is released into the bloodstream to deal with the stressors. Plus, when we are constantly under stress our bodies are susceptible to viral and bacterial illnesses because the excessive cortisol supply in the body suppresses the immune system to handle imminent threats.
Bird Brain
We even see the effects of artificial EMF on animals particularly birds. Have you ever heard some birds chirping between the hours of 10 PM to 3 AM, long after sunset and wonder why? People are reporting hearing birds in the dark chirping away when they would normally be asleep. That's because their circadian rhythm are also being disrupted by the extreme concentrations of artificial EMF in the city environment. In their brain, some birds are confusing the active electromagnetic energy for sunlight therefore causing them to have poor sleeping patterns like people. The EMF interference is also disrupting some of these birds mating cycles. Just like people animals are affected by artificial EMF pollution.
EMF Solutions
Some of us are very sensitive to EMF interference and that is why it's crucial to address this problem sooner than later before it can impact health severely. In order for insomniacs to reverse sleeplessness, the right combination of techniques must be applied to achieve success. Below we listed some solutions that may help you get some good night's rest.
Remove All Electronics from Place of Sleep
Remove all consumer electronic devices from the bedroom or your place of sleep. That includes your mobile phones, SMART watches, alarm clocks, phones, cordless phones, computers, Wi-Fi devices, TV’s, radios, night lights, and anything that produces EMF. The idea is to minimize the threat of electromagnet fields as much as possible in order to accomplish sleep.
RF Signals
With wireless devices, like mobile phones, wireless routers, and SMART meters, you’ll have to pay a little more attention to them because not only they produce EMF but they also produce radio frequency, (RF). RF signals are another form of electromagnetic frequency that can disrupt sleep as well, most particularly cell phones. It’s important to remove wireless device from your sleeping area.
Reposition Bed away from Electrical Panels
If you discovered that your bed is near electrical panels or circuit boards or SMART meters inside the room or outside the property then move and reposition your bed away from them as far as possible to reduce the effects of the damaging electromagnetic fields.
EMF Meter
You can purchase an EMF meter from a hardware store or online to measure electromagnetic field levels of electronic devices in your home. To achieve deep sleep and the restoration of our bodies, our brain wave patterns should drop to Delta waves which measures between .5 Hz to 3 Hz. If your sleeping area is producing EMF patterns above 3 Hz per second than you may have found your sleeping problem. Some areas can produce up to 60 Hz per second that is 20 times the required brain wave pattern to fall into Delta sleep.
Human Brain Wave Activity
- Beta Waves (12 Hz to 38 Hz) – Waking state
- Alpha Waves (8 Hz to 12 Hz) – Daydreaming or meditative state
- Theta Waves (3 Hz to 8 Hz) – Sleep state
- Delta Waves (.5 Hz to 3 Hz) – Deep sleep restoration state
More Tips to Follow
The next tips are non-EMF solutions to help reduce electromagnetic interference and to improve sleep quality.
Cover Windows
Cover all windows with dark curtains to keep your room absent of light that includes night lights. This is important so that melatonin can be produce while reducing serotonin.
Don’t Eat Before Bedtime
As mentioned in our Part 1 article of this series, skip the meals just before bedtime. Try eating four to six hours before going to sleep. Food activates the digestive system which requires time to process it out of the upper digestive tract. This causes the release of cortisol to aid the digestion activity. Cortisol is a stress hormone and if you have it in your bloodstream at elevated levels before bedtime, you will most likely suffer sleeping issues.
Improve Diet
Again, diet plays a major role and affecting quality sleep time. If you haven’t already started, eat more healthy foods that can help improve your sleeping pattern.
Be Consistent
Try sleeping at the same time every night consistently. This will reinforce your circadian rhythm which manages your sleeping pattern. Also, try getting six to eight hours of sleep in order to restore your body. Restoration mostly happens while in deep sleep if you can’t get long hours of sleep you are literally losing vitality and wasting away. This is one of many reasons why people develop rapid aging.
Deep Breathing
Before going to bed do some deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing exercises. The technique is executed by sitting up straight and concentrating only with breathing in and out of the nostrils. Start by slowly excelling all the air out of your body and use your stomach to push all the air out of your nose. Then slowly inhale lots of air into your nostrils until you blow up your diaphragm or stomach like an inflated balloon then excel again. Do this for 1 to 5 minute durations.
Move Away
If the artificial EMF problem is out of control in your area maybe the best solution is to move away from the cell site threats. The decision to move from the polluted environment will have to be determined on how important your health is to you.
Long-lasting insomnia can be devastating to health and why it is necessary to resolve the issue as soon as possible. When evaluating the symptoms of sleep disorder make sure to use an EMF meter to measure the levels of artificial EMF in the place you sleep. Eliminating the problem will mean you finally getting in some good sleep.
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